MCZ Entomology 34785

Fulakora falcata (Lattke, 1991)

Holotype of Amblyopone falcata

Date Collected:


Central America: United States: Puerto Rico: Greater Antilles: Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico [Porto Rico]

Media type: image; Entomology 34785   Aspect: labels

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: labels

Media type: image;   Entomology 34785 Aspect: tarsus

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: tarsus

Media type: image;   Entomology 34785 Aspect: labels

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: labels

Media type: image;   Entomology 34785 Aspect: Leg hind

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: Leg hi...

Media type: image;   Entomology 34785 Aspect: thorax lateral

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: thorax...

Media type: image; Entomology 34785   Aspect: head frontal view

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: head f...

Media type: image;   Entomology 34785 Aspect: head frontal view

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: head f...

Media type: image;   Entomology 34785 Aspect: habitus dorsal view

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: habitu...

Media type: image; Entomology 34785   Aspect: habitus lateral view

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: habitu...

Media type: image;   Entomology 34785 Aspect: habitus lateral view

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: habitu...

Media type: image;   Entomology 34785 Aspect: Later posterior abdomen

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:34785 Fulakora falcata Holotype Aspect: Later ...

Current Identification
Fulakora falcata (Lattke, 1991)
Animalia Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Hymenoptera Apocrita Aculeata Formicoidea Formicidae Amblyoponinae
Determiner: John E. Lattke
Nature of ID: expert ID
Remarks: Amblyopone falcata det. J. Lattke Holotype
Previous Identification
Amblyopone falcata Lattke 1991
Animalia Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Hymenoptera Apocrita Aculeata Formicoidea Formicidae Amblyoponinae
Determiner: John E. Lattke
Nature of ID: type ID

  • other number: Antweb CASENT 0172809
  • type number: MCZ Holotype 34785

Part Condition Disposition Count
whole animal (pointed) good in collection 1 History
caste = worker   determined by=David LubertazziORCID iD icon  

  • None

  • None

  • None

  • None

  • Continent:
  • Central America
  • Country:
  • United States
  • State/Province:
  • Puerto Rico
  • Island Group:
  • Greater Antilles
  • Island:
  • Puerto Rico
  • dwc:highergeographyID:
  • linked data icon
  • Specific Locality:
  • Puerto Rico [Porto Rico]
  • Verbatim Locality:
  • Puerto Rico 7-17 May 73 S.Peck berlesate, J.; Aguas Buenas Forest at Aquas Buenas Cave, 250m
  • Georeference:
  • 18.2230000°, -66.441000° (Error radius: 90km) By: David Lubertazzi on 2015-11-12 (Source: Google Earth)
  • Datum:
  • WGS84
  • Coordinates Entered As:
  • decimal degrees
  • Collecting Source:
  • wild caught
  • Began Date / Ended Date:
  • 1973-05-07 / 1973-05-17
  • Verbatim Date:
  • 7-17 May 73
  • Collector:
  • Stewart Blaine Peck

Media type: text; Entomology 34789;  34791;  34740;  34741;  34742;  34743;  34744;  34745;  34746;  34747;  34748;  34749;  34750;  34751;  34757;  34764;  34784;  34754;  34756;  34759;  34778;  34786;  34770;  34772;  34773;  34774;  34752;  34753;  34755;  34758;  34760;  34761;  34762;  34763;  34768;  34769;  34780;  34781;  34782;  34783;  34785;  34787;  34788;  34790 Description: MCZ Entomology Types 031954-035586, pg.56;

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