Date Collected:


North America: United States: Florida: Pinellas | Saint Petersburg

Media type: image;   Entomology 679813 Aspect: habitus lateral

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:679813 Aedes aegypti Aspect: habitus lateral

Media type: image;   Entomology 679813 Aspect: habitus lateral

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:679813 Aedes aegypti Aspect: habitus lateral

Media type: image;   Entomology 679813 Aspect: habitus lateral

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:679813 Aedes aegypti Aspect: habitus lateral

Media type: image;   Entomology 679813 Aspect: pronotum dorsal

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:679813 Aedes aegypti Aspect: pronotum dorsal

Media type: image;   Entomology 679813 Aspect: habitus dorsal detail

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:679813 Aedes aegypti Aspect: habitus dorsal d...

Media type: image;   Entomology 679813 Aspect: habitus lateral detail

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ent:679813 Aedes aegypti Aspect: habitus lateral ...

Current Identification
Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus in Hasselquist, 1762)
Animalia Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Diptera Nematocera Culicomorpha Culicoidea Culicidae
Common Name(s): stégomyie; yellow fever mosquito; yellowfever mosquito
Determiner: [no agent data]
Nature of ID: legacy

  • None

  • None

Part Condition Disposition Count
whole animal (mounted) good in collection 1 History

Attribute Value Determination On
sex Female By: Rachel L. Hawkins Sipe 2018-11-01
age class adult By: Rachel L. Hawkins Sipe 2018-11-01
collection Collection of C. W. Johnson By: Rachel L. Hawkins Sipe

  • None

  • None

  • None

  • Continent:
  • North America
  • Country:
  • United States
  • State/Province:
  • Florida
  • County:
  • Pinellas
  • dwc:highergeographyID:
  • linked data icon
  • Specific Locality:
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Verbatim Locality:
  • St. Petersburg Fla
  • Georeference:
  • 27.7660920°, -82.676313° (Error radius: 16843m) By: Emily Blank on 2020-03-24 (Source: GEOLocate)
  • Datum:
  • WGS84
  • Coordinates Entered As:
  • decimal degrees
  • Collecting Source:
  • wild caught
  • Collected On:
  • 1910-08-12
  • Verbatim Date:
  • Aug. 12 '10
  • Collector:
  • James Chester Bradleylinked data icon

  • None

  • None

  • [Masked]

  • None