MCZ Herpetology R-31347

Chamaeleo werneri

Paratype of Chamaeleo werneri dabagae

Date Collected:


Africa: Tanzania: Iringa | Dabaga, Uzungwe Mtns

Media type: image;   Herpetology R-31347

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Herp:R-31347 Chamaeleo werneri Paratype

Media type: image;   Herpetology R-31347

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Herp:R-31347 Chamaeleo werneri Paratype

Media type: image;   Herpetology R-31347

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Herp:R-31347 Chamaeleo werneri Paratype

Current Identification
Animalia Chordata Reptilia Lepidosauromorpha Squamata Sauria Chamaeleonidae
Determiner: Catalog
Nature of ID: migration
Remarks: Catalog/1997
Previous Identification
Animalia Chordata Reptilia Lepidosauromorpha Squamata Sauria Chamaeleonidae
Determiner: Arthur Loveridgelinked data icon
Nature of ID: type ID
Remarks: Catalog/1997; Identification Made Date: 1932

Loveridge 1932, page 379, Paratype of Chamaeleo werneri dabagae Paratype of Chamaeleo werneri dabagae
Media type: text; Loveridge 1932 Description: MCZ Bulletin Vol. LXXII no. 10;

(Media Record) (Related) (File)

Shows Publication: Loveridge 1932 Description: MCZ Bulletin Vol. LXXII no. 10

  • muse location number: ZR31244

Part Condition Disposition Count
whole animal (ethanol) unchecked unknown 1 History

  • None

  • None

  • None

  • None

  • Continent:
  • Africa
  • Country:
  • Tanzania
  • State/Province:
  • Iringa
  • Sovereign Nation:
  • Tanzania, United Republic of
  • dwc:highergeographyID:
  • linked data icon
  • Specific Locality:
  • Dabaga, Uzungwe Mtns
  • Verbatim Locality:
  • Dabaga,Uzungwe Mtns,Tang Terr
  • Georeference:
  • -8.1166670°, 35.9166670° (Error radius: 2.217mi) By: Maureen Flannery on 2005-04-11 (Source: NIMA gazetteer - GNS database.)
  • Datum:
  • WGS84
  • Radial of Feature:
  • 965.6064 m
  • Coordinates Entered As:
  • decimal degrees
  • Collecting Source:
  • wild caught
  • Collected On:
  • 1930-01-01
  • Verbatim Date:
  • 1/1/1930-1/1/1930
  • Collector:
  • Arthur Loveridgelinked data icon

  • None

Media type: text; Herpetology R-31336;  R-31337;  R-31338;  R-31339;  R-31340;  R-31341;  R-31342;  R-31343;  R-31344;  R-31345;  R-31346;  R-31347;  R-31348;  R-31349;  R-31350;  R-31351;  R-31352;  R-31353;  R-31354;  R-31355;  R-31356;  R-31357;  R-31358;  R-31359;  R-31360 Description: MCZ Herpetology Reptiles 026001-032000, pg.214;

(Media Record) (Related) (File)

Ledger Entry for: 25 cataloged items from MCZ:Herp:R-31336 Chamaeleo werneri werneri to M...

  • [Masked]

  • None