MCZ Invertebrate Zoology 22169

Antillattus montanus (Bryant, 1943)

Holotype of Pensacola montana

Date Collected:


Central America: Dominican Republic: Greater Antilles: Hispaniola | Loma Rucilla Mts., Pico del Yaque, 3000-10,000ft.

Media type: image; Invertebrate Zoology 22169

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:IZ:22169 Antillattus montanus Holotype

Media type: image; Invertebrate Zoology 22169

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:IZ:22169 Antillattus montanus Holotype

Media type: image; Invertebrate Zoology 22169

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:IZ:22169 Antillattus montanus Holotype

Media type: image; Invertebrate Zoology 22169

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:IZ:22169 Antillattus montanus Holotype

Media type: image; Invertebrate Zoology 22169

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:IZ:22169 Antillattus montanus Holotype

Media type: image; Invertebrate Zoology 22169

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:IZ:22169 Antillattus montanus Holotype

Media type: image; Invertebrate Zoology 22169

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:IZ:22169 Antillattus montanus Holotype

Current Identification
Antillattus montanus (Bryant, 1943)
Animalia Arthropoda Arachnida Araneae Salticidae
Nature of ID: revised taxonomy
Remarks: name is valid as of WSC 2020
Previous Identification
Pensacola montana Bryant, 1943
Animalia Arthropoda Arachnida Araneae Salticidae
Determiner: Elizabeth B. Bryantlinked data icon
Nature of ID: type ID

Bryant 1943, page 510, Holotype of Pensacola montana Bryant, 1943 p. 510-512, fig. 81, 82
Zhang and Maddison 2015, page 17, Other Useful Citation of Pensacola montana Bryant, 1943 doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3938.1.1 linked data icon
placed in Antillatus in this publication
Media type: text; Bryant 1943 Description: MCZ Bulletin Vol. XCII no. 9;

(Media Record) (Related) (File)

Shows Publication: Bryant 1943 Description: MCZ Bulletin Vol. XCII no. 9

  • None

Part Condition Disposition Count
partial animal (70% ethanol) good in collection 1 History
Remarks: leg: loose III; subsampled as part of NSF CSBR Holotype grant; transferred to MCZ-CRYO on 2021-11-30
subsampled by = Rina Morisawa   determined date=2021-11-16   determined by=Rina Morisawa  
whole animal (70% ethanol) good in collection 1 History (3)

Attribute Value Determination On
sex male [no agent data]
associated grant Preserving the genomes of the type specimens in the MCZ (CSBR) By: Rina Morisawa 2021-11-30
citation 1943. Bull. MCZ, 92: 510, f. 81, 82 [no agent data], Method: migration 2011-03-06

  • None

  • Original vial included Holotype male and 2 females (now numbered male:22169, and females: 25834 and 27898.)

  • None

  • Continent:
  • Central America
  • Country:
  • Dominican Republic
  • Island Group:
  • Greater Antilles
  • Island:
  • Hispaniola
  • dwc:highergeographyID:
  • linked data icon
  • Specific Locality:
  • Loma Rucilla Mts., Pico del Yaque, 3000-10,000ft.
  • Verbatim Locality:
  • Dominican Republic, Loma Rucilla Mts., Pico del Yaque, 3000-10,000ft.
  • Georeference:
  • 19.0447230°, -70.957845° (Error radius: 301m) By: Brendan Haley on 2019-06-10 (Source: GEOLocate batch georeferencing, 2019-06-10)[Note: a coordinate uncertainty of 301m is given by Biogeomancer and GeoLocate when unable to determine an uncertainty]
  • Datum:
  • WGS84
  • Coordinates Entered As:
  • decimal degrees
  • Collecting Source:
  • wild caught
  • Began Date / Ended Date:
  • 1938-06-01 / 1938-06-30
  • Verbatim Date:
  • 6/1938
  • Collector:
  • Philip J. Darlington, Jr.linked data icon

  • None

  • None

  • [Masked]