Date Collected:


[no higher geography data] | [no specific locality data]

Media type: image; Ichthyology 153577

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Ich:153577 Carcharhinus leucas

Current Identification
Carcharhinus leucas (Müller and Henle, 1839)
Animalia Chordata Craniata Selachi Gnathostomata Chondrichthyes Elasmobranchii Galeomorphi Carcharhiniformes Carcharhinidae
Common Name(s): bull shark; cabeza de batea; tiburón toro
Nature of ID: migration
Remarks: [MUSE DETERMINER: De Maddalena_Alessandro]
Previous Identification
Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758)
Animalia Chordata Craniata Neoselachi Selachii Gnathostomata Chondrichthyes Elasmobranchii Galeomorphi Lamniformes Lamnidae
Common Name(s): Man eater; Man-eater; Maneater; Maneater shark; Mango-taniwha; Mango-ururoa; Shark; White pointer; White shark; great white shark; jaquetón de ley; requin blanc; tiburón blanco
Determiner: [no agent data]
Nature of ID: migration

  • None

  • field number: NODATA
  • group number: 25

Part Condition Disposition Count
jaw (dry) good in collection 1 History
Remarks: partial upper jaw

  • None

  • None

  • None

  • None

  • Continent:
  • [no higher geography data]
  • Sovereign Nation:
  • [no sovereign nation data]
  • Specific Locality:
  • [no specific locality data]
  • Verbatim Locality:
  • [no verbatim locality data]
  • Locality Remarks:
  • Generic '[no specific locality data]' record. *PLEASE DO NOT EDIT*
  • Collecting Source:
  • wild caught
  • Collected On:
  • 1981-03-25
  • Verbatim Date:
  • 25 Mar 1981
  • Ich. Field Number:
  • Collector:
  • [no agent data]

  • None

  • None

  • [Masked]

  • None