MCZ Ornithology 65774

Geospiza fuliginosa

Date Collected:


South America: Ecuador: Galápagos: Galapagos Archipelago: Isla San Salvador

Media type: image;   Ornithology 65774

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Orn:65774 Geospiza fuliginosa

Media type: image;   Ornithology 65774

(Media Record) (Related) (Full)

Shows Cataloged Item: MCZ:Orn:65774 Geospiza fuliginosa

Current Identification
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Aves Neornithes Passeriformes Oscines Emberizidae
Determiner: [no agent data]
Nature of ID: migration

  • None

  • None

Part Condition Disposition Count
skin (dry) unknown unknown 1 History (3)
Remarks: Record migrated to MCZbase with no parts

Attribute Value Determination On
sex female [no agent data], Method: migration 2010-12-12

  • None

  • #570

  • None

  • Continent:
  • South America
  • Country:
  • Ecuador
  • State/Province:
  • Galápagos
  • Island Group:
  • Galapagos Archipelago
  • Island:
  • Isla San Salvador
  • Verbatim Locality:
  • Ecuador, Galapagos Is.
  • Locality Remarks:
  • James
  • Georeference:
  • 0°, -90.500000° (Error radius: 301m) By: Brendan Haley on 2019-03-26 (Source: GEOLocate batch georeferencing, 2019-03-26)[Note: a coordinate uncertainty of 301m is given by Biogeomancer and GeoLocate when unable to determine an uncertainty]
  • Datum:
  • WGS84
  • Coordinates Entered As:
  • decimal degrees
  • Collecting Source:
  • unknown
  • Collected On:
  • 1891-08-17
  • Verbatim Date:
  • 17/8/1891
  • Collector:
  • G. Baur

  • None

Media type: text; Ornithology 65762;  65763;  65764;  65765;  65766;  65767;  65768;  65769;  65770;  65771;  65772;  65773;  65774;  65775;  65776;  65777;  65778;  65779;  65780;  65781;  65782;  65783;  65784;  65785 Description: MCZ Ornithology Birds 065486-071435, pg.12;

(Media Record) (Related) (File)

Ledger Entry for: 24 cataloged items from MCZ:Orn:65762 Geospiza scandens to MCZ:Orn:6578...

  • [Masked]

  • None