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MCZBASE:The Database of the Zoological Collections

Museum of Comparative Zoology - Harvard University

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List of specimens 1 through 6 of the 6 records that matched your criteria.
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Catalog # Identified As Country State Specific Locality Verbatim Date Parts Sex 
MCZ Orn 337641
Mionectes oleagineus Costa Rica  Guanacaste  Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Caribe, Sendero. Las Parcelas # 5  14 June 2004  skin (dry)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen) 
MCZ Orn 338336
Carduelis tristis United States  Massachusetts  Chilmark  16 July 2011  skin (dry)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen) 
MCZ Orn 338339
Dendroica magnolia United States  Massachusetts  Plymouth, Manomet, Manomet Bird Observatory  21 May 2008  skin (dry)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen) 
MCZ Orn 338354
Baeolophus bicolor United States  Massachusetts  Plymouth, Manomet, Manomet Bird Observatory  14 Oct. 2004  skin (dry)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen)
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen) 
MCZ Orn 364060
Vidua funerea purpurascens Tanzania  Ruvuma  West of Peramiho  17-Apr-08  skin (dry)
tissue (frozen)
tissue (frozen)
tissue (frozen) sample 
MCZ Orn 364061
Vidua chalybeata amauropteryx Tanzania  Morogoro  South of Mang'ula  11-May-08  skin (dry)
tissue (frozen)
tissue (frozen) 
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