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MCZBASE:The Database of the Zoological Collections

Museum of Comparative Zoology - Harvard University

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List of specimens 1 through 7 of the 7 records that matched your criteria.
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Catalog # Identified As Country State Specific Locality Verbatim Date Parts Sex 
MCZ Mala 253787
Kalolophus speciosus United States  North Carolina  16 miles East Pamlico Sound  11-21/May/1960  shell (dry)   
MCZ Mala 257133
Crassinella lunulata United States  South Carolina  Raccoon Key, 43¼ mi 130° off Sandy Point  3/Jul/1963  shell (dry)   
MCZ Mala 257200
Kalolophus speciosus United States  South Carolina  Raccoon Key, 26.5 miles, 130 degrees off Sandy Point  2/Jul/1963  valve (dry)
shell (dry) 
MCZ Mala 257216
Crassinella lunulata United States  South Carolina  Raccoon Key, 37½ mi 130° off Sandy Point  2/Jul/1963  valve (dry)   
MCZ Mala 257217
Crassinella lunulata United States  South Carolina  Raccoon Key, 37½ mi 130° off Sandy Point  2/Jul/1963  valve (dry)   
MCZ Mala 257326
Kalolophus speciosus United States  South Carolina  Raccoon Key, 45 3/4 mi 130° off Sandy Point  2/Jul/1963  shell (dry)   
MCZ Mala 259690
Crassinella lunulata United States  North Carolina  48 mi E. of Currituck Sound  11-21/May/1960  shell (dry)   
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