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Museum of Comparative Zoology - Harvard University

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List of specimens 1 through 10 of the 10 records that matched your criteria.
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Catalog # Identified As Country State Specific Locality Verbatim Date Parts Sex 
MCZ Ich 21376
Rhaphiodon vulpinus Brazil  Amazonas  Rio Solimoes at Tefe and environs  0/10/1865-0/10/1865  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 21377
Hydrolycus scomberoides Brazil  Amazonas  Rio Solimoes at Tefe and environs  0/10/1865-0/10/1865  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 21378
Hydrolycus scomberoides Brazil  Amazonas  Rio Solimoes at Tefe and environs  0/10/1865-0/10/1865  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 21380
Cynodon gibbus Brazil  Amazonas  Lago do Coari on Rio Solimoes, at Coari  13/9/1865-13/9/1865  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 21381
Hydrolycus scomberoides Brazil  Amazonas  Lago do Coari on Rio Solimoes, at Coari  13/9/1865-13/9/1865  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 21388
Hydrolycus tatauaia Brazil  Para  Rio Xingu at Porto de Mos  23/8/1865-23/8/1865  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 52354
Rhaphiodon vulpinus Ecuador  Napo  Rio Payamino and small trib. about 3-4 miles upriver from the mouth of Rio Payamino into Rio Coca  20/11/1971-20/11/1971  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 52590
Hydrolycus scomberoides Brazil  Amazonas  Parana de Janauaca  7/12/1976-7/12/1976  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 64943
Hydrolycus scomberoides Ecuador  Napo  Rio Payamino and small trib. about 3-4 miles upriver from the mouth of Rio Payamino into Rio Coca  20/11/1971-20/11/1971  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 79141
Rhaphiodon vulpinus Brazil  Amazonas  Lago Jacaretinga, near Manaus  26/4/1979-26/4/1979  whole animal (alcohol)   
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