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MCZBASE:The Database of the Zoological Collections

Museum of Comparative Zoology - Harvard University

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Catalog # Identified As Country State Specific Locality Verbatim Date Parts Sex 
MCZ Ich 150820
Orestias crawfordi Bolivia    Cota Cota, Lake Titicaca  17/3/1993-17/3/1993  whole animal (alcohol)
tissue (95% ethanol) 
MCZ Ich 3929
Orestias crawfordi Peru  Puno  Between island on Lake Titicaca and Copacabana peninsula  24/4/1875-24/4/1875  whole animal (alcohol)   
MCZ Ich 3947
Orestias crawfordi Peru  Puno  Bahía de Moho, Lake Titicaca  24/1/1875-24/1/1875  whole animal (alcohol)   
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