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:The Database of the Zoological Collections
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Attribute Determination Method (Attributes:ATTRIBUTES) method by which the attribute value was determined
Attribute Determined By Agent (pick) (Attributes:ATTRIBUTES) agent who asserted the attribute value
Attribute Determined Date [yyyy-mm-dd] (Attributes:ATTRIBUTES) date on which the attribute value was determined.
Attribute Remark (Attributes:ATTRIBUTES) remarks concerning the attribute value
Attribute Type (Attributes:ATTRIBUTES) the kind of atrribute
Attribute Units (Attributes:ATTRIBUTES) units, if any, for the attribute value.
Attribute Value (Attributes:ATTRIBUTES) the value of the attribute
Associated Species (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT_REMARK) Species found in association with the collection object in its gathering.
Catalog Number (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) The catalog number of the cataloged item, including any prefix or suffix. Automatically assembled from cat_num_prefix, cat_num_integer, and cat_num_suffix.
Catalog Number Integer (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) The numeric portion of the catalog number.
Catalog Number Prefix (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) The prefix portion of the catalog number, if any. Including any separator. Example "R-"
Catalog Number Suffix (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) The suffix portion of the catalog number, if any. Including any separator. Example "-a"
Cataloged Item Type (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) The type of the cataloged item, FS=fossil voucher, BI=biological preserved specimen, HO=human observation. Broadly corresponds to dwc:basisOfRecord and the Darwin Core classes.
Coll Obj Disposition (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT) The current disposition of the collection object, applies to type SP and SS, should be null for type CI.
Coll Object Entered Date [yyyy-mm-dd] (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT) The date on which the collection object record was created.
Coll Object Remarks (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT_REMARK) Comments or notes regarding the specimen.
Coll Object Type [not working yet] (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT) type of collection object record, for cataloged item or for part thereof. Domain: SP, CI, SS
Collecting Event (pick specific locality/date) (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) The collecting event in which this cataloged item was collected.
Collection (pick) (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) Foreign key to the collection within which this cataloged item is held. Enforces virtual private database limitiations on collection.
Collection Code (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) The collection code for the collection within which this cataloged item is held. Autopopulated convenience field with value obtained from collection.
Disposition Remarks (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT_REMARK) Comments or notes regarding the disposition of the collection object.
Entered By Person (pick) (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT) The agent who created the collection object record.
GUID (pick by GUID/Locality/Identification) (Cataloged Item:CATALOGED_ITEM) cataloged items are a subtype of collection objects.
Last Edit Date (dwc:modified) [yyyy-mm-dd] (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT) The date on which the collection object record was most recently edited
Last Edited By (pick) (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT) The agent who most recently edited the collection object record.
Lot Count (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT) The number of items making up the collection object.
Lot Count Modifier (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT) A textual modifier for the lot count indicating range or uncertainty in the count.
Microhabitat (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJECT_REMARK) Microhabitat information related to the gathering of the collection object. See also collecting_event.habitat_desc for habitat information.
Other Number (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJ_OTHER_ID_NUM) The value of the other number, assembled automatically by concatenationg other-id_prefix, other_id_number, and other_id_suffix. No additional characters are included in the concatenation.
Other Number Integer (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJ_OTHER_ID_NUM) The numeric portion of the other number.
Other Number Prefix (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJ_OTHER_ID_NUM) An alphanumeric prefix for the other number. If a separator is needed between the prefix and the number, it must be included in the prefix.
Other Number Suffix (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJ_OTHER_ID_NUM) An alphanumeric prefix for the other number. If a separator is needed between the other umber and the suffix, it must be included in the suffix.
Other Number Type (Cataloged Item:COLL_OBJ_OTHER_ID_NUM) The type of the other number
Cit Current Flag (Citations:CITATION) Deprecated? Flag indicating whether this is a current citation or not. Domain: 0, 1. Almost all values are 1, Not used in UI.
Citation Category (Primary,Secondary,Voucher) (Citations:CTCITATION_TYPE_STATUS)
Citation Description (Citations:CTCITATION_TYPE_STATUS)
Citation Page IRI (Citations:CITATION) A URI at which a resource representing the page in the publication on which the collection object is cited occurs.
Citation Remarks (Citations:CITATION) Comments or notes about the citation.
Citation Text (Citations:CITATION) Text quoted from the citation.
Citation Type Status (Citations:CITATION) Primary, Secondary, or Voucher status, or other category of assertion about the cataloged item asserted by the publication.
Cited Collection Object (pick) (Citations:CITATION) The collection object mentioned in the publication
Cited Genus (Citations:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic genus into which the taxon is placed, or the generic epithet for the taxon.
Cited Publication (pick) (Citations:CITATION) The publication being cited
Cited Taxon Name (pick) (Citations:CITATION) The taxon name applied to the collection object in the publication.
Family of cited taxon (Citations:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic Family into which the taxon is placed.
Occurs Page Number (Citations:CITATION) The first page number in the publication on which the collection object is cited using the cited taxon name.
Reported Year of Publcation (Citations:CITATION) Year that the portion of the publication containing the citation is reported to have been published.
Taxonomic Order of cited taxon (Citations:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic order into which the taxon is placed.
Accepted Lat Long Flag (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Flag indicating if this is the accepted georeference for a locality. 1 is accepted, 2 is not accepted.
Agent who set Date Determined (pick) (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Began Date (yyyy-mm-dd) (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Collecting Event (pick) (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) Surrogate numeric primary key.
Collecting Events Source Authority (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Authoritative source for the information in the higher geography record.
Collecting Events Valid Catalog Term Flag (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Flag indicating if this higher geography can be used in data entry: (1) yes, (0) no.
Collecting Method (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) Means by which material collected in this collecting event were collected or recorded.
Collecting Source (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) General sort of provenance for material recorded in this collecting event.
Collecting Time (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) Time of day during which the collecting event occurred.
Continent Ocean (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Continent or Ocean for the higher geography.
Country (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Country level entity for the higher geography.
County/Shire/Parish (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Secondary division of a country for the higher geography. Does not include the word County for counties.
Curated Flag (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) Marker that this locality record has been edited and curated to a target state and shouldn't normally be edited.
Date Began Date [yyyy-mm-dd] (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) deprecated field, legacy values retained.
Date Ended Date [yyyy-mm-dd] (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) deprecated field, legacy values retained.
Datum (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) The horizontal geodedic datum or spatial reference system including geodetic datum for the georeference.
Day of year for end of event (dwc:endDayOfYear) (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Day of year for start of event (dwc:startDayOfYear) (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Dec Lat Min (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) For coordinates with an orig_lat_long_units of decimal minutes, the decimal minutes portion of the latitude.
Dec Latitude (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Semiautomatic, the latitude portion of the georeference represented as decimal degrees in the range -90 to 90. Expected to be populated for all georeferences, but this is not enforced.
Dec Long Min (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) For coordinates with an orig_lat_long_units of decimal minutes, the decimal minutes portion of the longitude.
Dec Longitude (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Semiautomatic, the longitude portion of the georeference represented as decimal degrees in the range -180 to 180. Expected to be populated for all georeferences, but this is not enforced.
Depth Units (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) Units for min and max depth.
Ended Date (yyyy-mm-dd) (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Extent (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) The distance from a point defined by lat/long coordinates to the outer perimeter of the feature of origin
Feature (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Land feature for the higher geography.
Field Verified Flag (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Unused. Deprecated. Flag indicating verification status of this georeference.
Fish Field Number (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) Field number assigned to the collecting event by the Ichtyology department.
GPS/GNSS Accuracy (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) If georefernece was obtained from a GNSS/GPS reciever, the accuracy for the coordinate asserted by that recever at the time the location was recorded.
Geolocate Number of Results (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) For georeferences returned from geolocate, either automated or manual, the number of results found by geolocate out of which the georeference was selected.
Geological Attribute Determined Date [yyyy-mm-dd] (Collecting Events:GEOLOGY_ATTRIBUTES) date on which the attribute value was determined for this locality
Geological Attribute Determined Method (Collecting Events:GEOLOGY_ATTRIBUTES) method by which the attribute value was determined for this locality
Geological Attribute Determiner (pick) (Collecting Events:GEOLOGY_ATTRIBUTES) agent id for the person who applied this attribute to this locality
Geological Attribute Remark (Collecting Events:GEOLOGY_ATTRIBUTES) remarks concerning this geological attribute.
Geological Atttribute Value (Collecting Events:GEOLOGY_ATTRIBUTES) value of attribute
Geology Attribute (Collecting Events:GEOLOGY_ATTRIBUTES) type of attribute
Georef Updated Date [yyyy-mm-dd] (Collecting Events:LOCALITY)
Georeference Determined By Agent (pick) (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Agent who made this georefernce.
Georeference Determined Date [yyyy/mm/dd] (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Date on which this georeference was made.
Georeference Max Error Units (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Units for max_error_distance.
Georeference Maximum Error Distance (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Error radius for the georeference around the single specified coordinate.
Georeference Method (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Method by which the georeference was made.
Georeference Verification Status (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Verification of the validity and accuracy of this georeference.
Georeferenced By (username) (Collecting Events:LOCALITY)
Habitat (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) Information about the habitat present at the locality at the time of the collecting event. See also coll_object_remarks.habitat for microhabitat.
Higher Geography (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Automatic, the assembled higher geography as a colon separated string.
Island (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Island for the higher geography.
Island Group (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Named group of islands for the higher geography.
Lat Long Ref Source (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Reference consulted as a source for the georeference.
Lat Long Remarks (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Free text comments regarding this georeference.
Latitude Degrees (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) The degree portion of the latitude, expected to be a positive number in the range 0 to 90.
Latitude Direction (N/S) (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Direction for the latitude (lat_deg) N or S. When N, dec_lat should be a positive number.
Latitude Minutes (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) For coordinates with an orig_lat_long_units of degrees minutes seconds, the minutes portion of the latitude.
Latitude Sec (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) For coordinates with an orig_lat_long_units of degrees minutes seconds, the seconds portion of the latitude.
Locality (pick) (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) Surrogate numeric primary key.
Locality Remarks (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) Free text comments on the locality record.
Longitude Degrees (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) The degree portion of the longitude, expected to be a positive number in the range 0 to 180.
Longitude Direction (E/W) (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Direction for the longitude (long_deg) E or W. When E, dec_long should be a positive number.
Longitude Minutes (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) For coordinates with an orig_lat_long_units of degrees minutes seconds, the minutes portion of the longitude.
Longitude Seconds (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) For coordinates with an orig_lat_long_units of degrees minutes seconds, the seconds portion of the longitude.
Maximum Depth (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) The greater depth of a range of depth below the local surface in depth units.
Maximum Elevation (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) Mimimum elevation in original elevation units.
Minimum Depth (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) The lesser depth of a range of depth below a local surface in depth units.
Minimum Elevation (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) Maximum elevation in orginal elevation units.
Nearest Named Place (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Nearest named place to the georefernce.
No Georefernce Because (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) Reason why the locality is not georeferenced.
Ocean Region (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Ocean region for the higher geography.
Ocean Subregion (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Ocean subregion for the higher geography.
Original Elevation Units (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) The units for minimum and maximum elevation.
Original Lat Long Units (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Form in which the latitude and longitude are stored in the georeference, degrees minutes seconds, degrees decimal minutes, or decimal degrees. Determines which fields are combined to present the georeference in original form.
Quadrangle Name (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Name of topographic quadrangle for the higher geography.
Range (PLSS) (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) PLSS range, direction east or west from baseline in units of 6 miles.
Range Direction (PLSS) (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) PLSS range direction (E or W) from base line.
SRS for Verbatim Lat/Long (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Sea (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Named sea for the higher geography, below ocean subregion, above water feature.
Section (PLSS) (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) PLSS section, number in range 1 to 36.
Section Part (PLSS) (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) PLSS aliquot part, heirarchical reference to quarter or half section subdivisions.
Sovereign Nation (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) The nation with sovereignty over the place described by this locality.
Spatial fit (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Ratio of the area of the point-radius uncertanty to actual area of the locality. 0 if locality is larger than point-radius, 1 if exact match, greater than 1 when point-radius is larger than locality by the ratio point-radius/locality
Specific Locality (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) Free text description of the locality within the specified higher geography.
State/Province (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Primary division of a country for the higher geography.
Township (PLSS) (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) PLSS township, distance north or south from baseline in units of 6 miles
Township Direction (PLSS) (Collecting Events:LOCALITY) PLSS township direction (N or S) off base line.
UTM Easting (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) UTM Easting
UTM Northing (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) UTM Northing
UTM Zone (Collecting Events:LAT_LONG) Universal Transverse Mercator zone designator, May include latitude band letter.
Valid Distribution Flag (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Verbatim Coordinate System (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Verbatim Coordinates (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Verbatim Date (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT) Verbatim text information about the collecting event date.
Verbatim Depth (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Verbatim Elevation (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Verbatim Latitude (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Verbatim Locality (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Verbatim Longitude (Collecting Events:COLLECTING_EVENT)
Water Feature (Collecting Events:GEOG_AUTH_REC) Water feature below seay for the higher geography.
Agent Public Biography (Collectors:AGENT) Biographical information to be provided to the public.
Agent Type (Collectors:AGENT) person, or other type of agent. Agents of type person have corresponding record in the person table.
Coll Num (Collectors:COLLECTOR) unused
Coll Num Prefix (Collectors:COLLECTOR) unused
Coll Num Suffix (Collectors:COLLECTOR) unused
Collector (pick) (Collectors:AGENT) surrogate numeric primary key
Collector Agent GUID (Collectors:AGENT) A globaly unique indetifier for this agent, suitable for serving in Darwin Core as dwciri:identifiedBy, dwciri:recordedBy, dwciri:georeferencedBy etc.
Collector Role (c,p) (Collectors:COLLECTOR) role (c=collector, p=preparator) in which the agent acted on the collection object.
Collector is Vetted Agent (Collectors:AGENT) agent record has been vetted (if value is 1)
Collectors Agent Name (Collectors:AGENT_NAME) The value of the name
First Name (Collectors:PERSON) First portion of name, usually personal name in european contexts and family name in asian contexts.
Last Name (Collectors:PERSON) Last portion of name, family name in most european contexts, may be hyphenated, or may be more than one word, usually the personal name in asian contexts.
Middle Name (Collectors:PERSON) Middle names not included in first or last.
Prefix (Collectors:PERSON)
Suffix (Collectors:PERSON) Suffix to append after person's name, e.g. Jr.
Accepted Id Flag (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION) Flag indicating if the identification is the accepted identification for a collection object.
Authorship (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Authorship string for the scientific name.
Class (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic class into which the taxon is placed.
Common Name (Identifications:COMMON_NAME) A common name for a taxon.
Date Made Date [yyyy-mm-dd] (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION) Deprecated
Determiner (pick) (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION_AGENT) Agent who made the identification.
Display Name (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Automatic. Scientific name for display in html markup, with italics where appropriate, Does not include authorship string.
Division (Identifications:TAXONOMY) For ICNafp (botanical) names, the taxonomic rank equivalent to phylum.
Family (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic Family into which the taxon is placed.
Full Taxon Name (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Automatic. Space separated list of the classification and all parts of the name of the taxon, excluding authorship.
Genus (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic genus into which the taxon is placed, or the generic epithet for the taxon.
Identification Remarks (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION) Free text assertions concerning the identification.
Identification sensu Publication (pick) (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION) Sensu. The publication that this use of the taxon name is in the sense of. Links an identification to a taxon concept..
Identifications Agent Name (Identifications:AGENT_NAME) The value of the name
Identifications Scientific Name (Identifications:TAXONOMY) The scientific name of the taxon.
Identifications Source Authority (Identifications:TAXONOMY) The authority from which the taxon record was derived.
Identifications Taxon Name (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION_TAXONOMY) Taxon the name of which is used in the identification in the location specified by the position of variable in taxa_formula.
Identifications Valid Catalog Term Flag (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Flag indicating whether a taxon record is accepted by the bulkloader (1) or not (0).
Infraclass (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic infraclass into which the taxon is placed.
Infraorder (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic infraorder into which the taxon is placed.
Infraspecific Author (ICNafp) (Identifications:TAXONOMY) For ICNapf (botanical) names of below the species rank, the authorship string for the infraspecific part of the name.
Infraspecific Rank (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Rank marker to apply to the subspecific epithet if the taxon is of rank below subspecies.
Kingdom (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic kingdom into which the taxon is placed.
Made Date as Text (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION) Date the identification was made in ISO format.
Nature Of Identification (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION) Provenance of the identification.
Nomenclatural Code (Identifications:TAXONOMY) The code of nomenclature whos rules govern the formulation of the taxon name (ICZN, ICNapf), or non-compliant if the name is in a historical form with an orthography not compliant with the current rules.
Nomenclatural Status (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Nomenclatural status for the taxon record if unavailable. Actionable, prevents italiciation of display name.
Order (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic order into which the taxon is placed.
Phylum (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic phylum into which the taxon is placed.
Species (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Specific epithet part of the taxon name, if of species rank or lower.
Stored As Flag (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION) Flag indicating that the collection object is stored under this name.
Subclass (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic subclass into which the taxon is placed.
Subdivision (Identifications:TAXONOMY) For ICNafp (botanical) names, the taxonomic rank equivalent to subphylum.
Subfamily (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic subfamily into which the taxon is placed.
Subgenus (Identifications:TAXONOMY) The subgeneric epithet for the taxon, without parenthesies.
Suborder (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic suborder into which the taxon is placed.
Subphylum (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic subphylum into which the taxon is placed.
Subsection (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic subsection into which the taxon is placed.
Subspecies (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Subspecific epithet part of the scientific name if the taxon is of rank subspecies or lower.
Superclass (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic superclass into which the taxon is placed.
Superfamily (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic superfamily into which the taxon is placed.
Superorder (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic superorder into which the taxon is placed.
Taxa Formula (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION) Formula by which one or more taxon names are composed with each other and with optional additional text as part of the identification that is not part of the taxon name(s). Allows expressions of uncertanty in identification and hybrids. For each capital letter, A, B, etc. in the formula, there is expected to be a taxon_identification record linking this part of the formula to a taxon record.
Taxon Remarks (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Free text assertions concerning the taxon.
Tribe (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Taxonomic tribe into which the taxon is placed.
Variable (Identifications:IDENTIFICATION_TAXONOMY) Position (specified by a captial letter) in taxa_formula where the scientific name of the taxon in taxon_name_id is used in the identification specific by identification_id.
dwc:scientificNameID (Identifications:TAXONOMY) dwc:scientificNameID, guid for the nomenclatural act on which the taxon found in scientific_name is based.
dwc:taxonID (Identifications:TAXONOMY) Unused. Could hold a guid for the taxon record, if the institution considers itself an authority for the taxon record.
dwc:taxonID (Identifications:TAXONOMY) dwc:taxonID, a guid for the taxon record.
Any Geography (Keywords:FLAT) The higher geography string for the place where this material was collected. Colon delimited list of higher geography terms.
Keywords (Keywords:FLAT) Catalog Number.
Maximum Depth in Meters (Keywords:FLAT)
Maximum elevation in meters. (Keywords:FLAT)
Minimum Depth in Meters (Keywords:FLAT)
Minimum elevation in meters. (Keywords:FLAT)
File Extension (Media:MEDIA) Autogenerated filename extension portion of the media_uri
Filename (Media:MEDIA) Autogenerated filename portion of the media_uri
Host (Media:MEDIA) Autogenerated host portion of the media_uri
Label Value (Media:MEDIA_LABELS)
Media Created By Agent (Media:MEDIA_RELATIONS)
Media Label (Media:MEDIA_LABELS)
Media License (pick) (Media:MEDIA) The license under which the institution is enabled to distribute a copy of the media object.
Media Type (Media:MEDIA) Human descriptor of the media
Media URI (IRI for the media object) (Media:MEDIA) IRI for the referenced media object
Mime Type (Media:MEDIA) Mime type of the resource at the IRI provided by the media_uri.
Path (Media:MEDIA) Autogenerated path portion of the media_uri
Preview URI (IRI for a thumbnail) (Media:MEDIA) IRI for a thumbnail for the media object.
HTML Description (Named Groups:UNDERSCORE_COLLECTION) HTML markup description for the public page for the collection.
Name of Named Group (Named Groups:UNDERSCORE_COLLECTION) The name for this collection, e.g. Smith Collection.
Named Group (pick) (Named Groups:UNDERSCORE_COLLECTION) Surrogate numeric primary key
Named Group Agent (pick) (Named Groups:UNDERSCORE_COLLECTION) Deprecated. The agent for which this is the collection of (e.g. Smith for Smith Collection).
Named Group Description (Named Groups:UNDERSCORE_COLLECTION) Text description of this collection.
Related From Collection Object Id (pick) (Relationships:BIOL_INDIV_RELATIONS) The resource that is the subject of the relationship, identified by a collection_object_id
Related To Collection Object Id (pick) (Relationships:BIOL_INDIV_RELATIONS) The resource that is the object of the relationship.
Relationship Remarks (Relationships:BIOL_INDIV_RELATIONS) Comments or notes about the relationship between the two resources
Type of Relationship (Relationships:BIOL_INDIV_RELATIONS) The relationship of the subject (collection_object_id) to the object (related_coll_object_id)
Is Tissue [0 or 1] (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART)
Part Modifier (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART) Depricated, not shown on UI, some values exist.
Part Name (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART)
Part Remarks (Specimen Parts:COLL_OBJECT_REMARK) Comments or notes regarding the specimen.
Part of Cataloged Item (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART) the collection ofbject id of the collection object that is the cataloged item for this part.
Preserve Method (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART)
Specimen Parts Attribute Remark (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART_ATTRIBUTE)
Specimen Parts Attribute Type (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART_ATTRIBUTE)
Specimen Parts Attribute Units (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART_ATTRIBUTE)
Specimen Parts Attribute Value (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART_ATTRIBUTE)
Specimen Parts Determined By Agent (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART_ATTRIBUTE)
Specimen Parts Determined Date [yyyy-mm-dd] (Specimen Parts:SPECIMEN_PART_ATTRIBUTE)
Any Taxonomy (Taxonomy:TAXA_TERMS_ALL)
Any Taxonomy (Current Id Only) (Taxonomy:TAXA_TERMS)
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