Mark Amidon Deyrup* person
Names for this agent
- Dr. Mark Amidon Deyrup
- Mark Amidon Deyrup (preferred)
- Dr. Mark Deyrup (aka)
- Mark Deyrup (aka)
- M. Deyrup (aka)
- Dr. Mark Deyrup (aka)
- Deyrup, M. (author)
- M. A. Deyrup (initials plus last)
- M. Deyrup (second author)
- No media showing this agent
- father of Steven Deyrup
- father of Leif Deyrup
- husband of Nancy D. Deyrup
- Leif Deyrup son of Mark Amidon Deyrup
- Steven Deyrup son of Mark Amidon Deyrup
- Nancy D. Deyrup wife of Mark Amidon Deyrup
- Ent (586 records) in years 1968-2014
- IZ (15 records) in years 2006-2013
- All
Collecting Event Map
- Arachnida: Cheiridiidae (1 record) in year 2013
- Arachnida: Cheliferidae (2 records) in year 2013
- Arachnida: Chthoniidae (4 records) in year 2013
- Arachnida: Neobisiidae (1 record) in year 2013
- Arachnida: Olpiidae (5 records) in year 2013
- Arachnida: Withiidae (1 record) in year 2013
- Arachnida: [no family] (1 record) in year 2006
- Insecta: Chrysomelidae (1 record) in year 2009
- Insecta: Formicidae (585 records) in years 1968-2014
- : [no family] (17 records) none known to year
- Not a preparator of any material in MCZbase
- 289 identifications for 287 Entomology cataloged items
- None
- Deyrup, M. and S. P. Cover. 1998. Two new species of Smithistruma Brown (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Florida. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 100:214–221. 1 citation
- Deyrup, M. and S. P. Cover. 2004. A new species of the ant genus Leptothorax from Florida, with a key to the Leptothorax of the southeast (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomologist 87(1):51–59. 1 citation
- Deyrup, M. and L. Davis. 1998. A new species of Aphaenogaster (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from upland habitats in Florida. Entomological News 109(2):88–94. 5 citations
- Deyrup, M. 1998. Smithistruma memorialis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a new species of ant from the Kentucky Cumberland Plateau. Entomological News 109:81–87. 4 citations
- Deyrup, M. 2006. Pyramica boltoni, a new species of leaf-litter inhabiting ant from Florida (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dacetini). Florida Entomologist 89(1):1–5. 1 citation
- Deyrup, M. and S. P. Cover. 2004. A new species of Odontomachus ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from inland ridges of Florida, with a key to Odontomachus of the United States. Florida Entomologist 87(2):136–144. 1 citation
- Cover, S. P., M. Deyrup, and P. S. Ward. 2007. A new ant genus from the southwestern United States. Pp. 89–99. In R. R. Snelling and B. L. Fisher (eds.) Advances in ant systematics: Homage to E. O. Wilson. Vol. 80. American Entomological Institute, Gainesville, FL. 690 pp. 17 citations