Morrison person
Names for this agent
- Morrison
- Morrison (preferred)
- Morrison (aka)
- No media showing this agent
- None to other agents
- None from other agents
- Ent (133 records) in years 1877-1984
- Mala (28 records) in years 1934-1947
- Orn (10 records) in year 1959
- IZ (1 record) none known to year
- All
Range of years collected is greater than 80 (1877-1984)
Collecting Event Map
- Arachnida: Buthidae (1 record) none known to year
- Aves: Alaudidae (3 records) in year 1959
- Aves: Fringillidae (3 records) in year 1959
- Aves: Laniidae (1 record) in year 1959
- Aves: Motacillidae (3 records) in year 1959
- Bivalvia: Unionidae (2 records) in year 1934
- Bivalvia: Veneridae (1 record) in year 1935
- Gastropoda: Cassidae (1 record) none known to year
- Gastropoda: Cerithiidae (3 records) in year 1946
- Gastropoda: Cypraeidae (1 record) in year 1946
- Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae (1 record) in year 1944
- Gastropoda: Littorinidae (5 records) in years 1946-1947
- Gastropoda: Muricidae (8 records) in year 1946
- Gastropoda: Neritidae (6 records) in year 1946
- Insecta: Aeshnidae (2 records) in year 1878
- Insecta: Asilidae (4 records) none known to year
- Insecta: Baetidae (1 record) in year 1878
- Insecta: Bombyliidae (21 records) none known to year
- Insecta: Buprestidae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Chrysomelidae (9 records) none known to year
- Insecta: Erebidae (1 record) in year 1916
- Insecta: Hemerobiidae (1 record) in year 1877
- Insecta: Heptageniidae (6 records) in years 1877-1878
- Insecta: Hesperiidae (7 records) in years 1882-1884
- Insecta: Lampyridae (2 records) none known to year
- Insecta: Libellulidae (9 records) in year 1878
- Insecta: Limnephilidae (8 records) in year 1878
- Insecta: Lycaenidae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Myrmeleontidae (1 record) in year 1886
- Insecta: Nemouridae (1 record) in year 1878
- Insecta: Nymphalidae (30 records) in years 1881-1984
- Insecta: Papilionidae (6 records) in year 1884
- Insecta: Pieridae (2 records) in year 1884
- Insecta: Raphidiidae (6 records) in years 1877-1878
- Insecta: Rhyacophilidae (6 records) in year 1878
- Insecta: Scarabaeidae (3 records) none known to year
- Insecta: Sialidae (2 records) in year 1878
- Insecta: Tenebrionidae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Uenoidae (2 records) in year 1878
- : [no family] (1 record) none known to year
- Not a preparator of any material in MCZbase
- 2 identifications for 2 Malacology cataloged items
- 10 identifications for 10 Entomology cataloged items
- None
- No publications