J. R. person
Names for this agent
- J. R.
- J. R. (preferred)
- No media showing this agent
- None to other agents
- None from other agents
- Herp (2000 records) in years 1836-1998
- All
Range of years collected is greater than 80 (1836-1998)
Collecting Event Map
- Amphibia: Ambystomatidae (2 records) in years 1959-1992
- Amphibia: Bufonidae (5 records) in years 1962-1983
- Amphibia: Hylidae (37 records) in years 1960-1964
- Amphibia: Leptodactylidae (32 records) in years 1958-1988
- Amphibia: Microhylidae (5 records) in years 1971-1983
- Amphibia: Plethodontidae (138 records) in years 1958-1994
- Amphibia: Ranidae (7 records) in years 1962-1996
- Reptilia: Agamidae (40 records) in years 1923-1986
- Reptilia: Amphisbaenidae (2 records) in years 1984-1986
- Reptilia: Anguidae (7 records) in years 1906-1946
- Reptilia: Anniellidae (8 records) in year 1987
- Reptilia: Boidae (9 records) in years 1939-1949
- Reptilia: Chamaeleonidae (6 records) in year 1923
- Reptilia: Cheloniidae (7 records) in years 1856-1974
- Reptilia: Chelydridae (2 records) in year 1978
- Reptilia: Colubridae (267 records) in years 1859-1996
- Reptilia: Cordylidae (1 record) in year 1923
- Reptilia: Elapidae (11 records) in years 1939-1994
- Reptilia: Emydidae (49 records) in years 1836-1979
- Reptilia: Gekkonidae (96 records) in years 1906-1997
- Reptilia: Gerrhosauridae (1 record) in year 1923
- Reptilia: Gymnophthalmidae (3 records) in years 1939-1946
- Reptilia: Hydrophiidae (2 records) none known to year
- Reptilia: Iguanidae (930 records) in years 1852-1998
- Reptilia: Kinosternidae (12 records) in years 1939-1983
- Reptilia: Lacertidae (24 records) in years 1923-1945
- Reptilia: Leptotyphlopidae (2 records) in years 1939-1959
- Reptilia: Pygopodidae (2 records) in year 1944
- Reptilia: Scincidae (184 records) in years 1940-1997
- Reptilia: Teiidae (50 records) in years 1906-1963
- Reptilia: Testudinidae (6 records) in years 1939-1941
- Reptilia: Typhlopidae (14 records) in years 1983-1997
- Reptilia: Varanidae (2 records) in years 1944-1945
- Reptilia: Viperidae (26 records) in years 1931-1994
- Reptilia: [no family] (11 records) in years 1923-1959
- : [no family] (13 records) none known to year
- Not a preparator of any material in MCZbase
- 7 identifications for 7 Herpetology cataloged items
- None
- No publications