William H. Ashmead* (1855-01-01 - 1908-01-01) person
Names for this agent
- William Harris Ashmead
- William H. Ashmead (preferred)
- W. H. Ashmead (second author)
- Ashmead, W. H. (author)
- No media showing this agent
- None to other agents
- None from other agents
- Ent (30 records) none known to year
- Orn (1 record) in year 1879
- IZ (1 record) none known to year
- All
Collecting Event Map
- Aves: Trochilidae (1 record) in year 1879
- Chilopoda: Scolopendridae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Carabidae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Chrysopidae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Coccinellidae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Cynipidae (23 records) none known to year
- Insecta: Diapriidae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Membracidae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Platygastridae (1 record) none known to year
- Insecta: Scarabaeidae (1 record) none known to year
- Not a preparator of any material in MCZbase
- 67 identifications for 53 Entomology cataloged items
- None
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1887. Studies of the North American Proctotrupidae with Descriptions of New Species from Florida. The Canadian Entomologist 19:125–132. 2 citations
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1893. A monograph of the North American Proctotrupidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 45:1–463. 8 citations
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1896. Descriptions of new Cynipidous galls and gall-wasps in the United States. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 19:113–136. 2 citations
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1906. Descriptions of new Hymenoptera from Japan. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 30:169–201.
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1894. Descriptions of new parasitic Hymenoptera. Paper No. 1. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 21:318–344.
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1902. The Hymenopterous parasites of Phenacoccus cavalliae Ckll. Canadian Entomologist 34:301–302.
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1887. Report on Insects injurious to Garden Crops in Florida. United States Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin 14:9–29. 1 citation
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1906. New Hymenoptera from the Philippines. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 29:107–119.
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1906. Classification of the foraging and driver ants, or family Dorylidae, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 8:21–31.
- Ashmead, W. H.. 1893. A monograph of the North American Proctotrupidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 45:1-472
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1906. Classification of the foraging and driver ants, or family Dorylidae, with a description of the genus Ctenopyga Ashm. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 8(1-2):21–31. 1 citation
- Riley, C. V., W. H. Ashmead, and L. O. Howard. 1894. Report upon the parasitic Hymenoptera of the island of St. Vincent. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 25:56–254.
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1900. On the genera of the Chalcid-flies belonging to the subfamily. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 22:323–412.
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1888. Descriptions of Some New Genera and Species of Canadian Proctotrupidae. The Canadian Entomologist 20:48–55. 1 citation
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1885. Descriptions of New Species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society and proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences 12:299–304. 7 citations
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1880. Orange insects: A treatise on the injurious and beneficial insects found on orange trees in Florida. Ashmead Bros., Jacksonville. 78 pp. 2 citations
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1905. Additions to the recorded Hymenopterous fauna of the Philippine Islands, Proceedings of the United States National Museum 28:957–971.
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1905. New Hymenoptera from the Philippine Islands. Canadian Entomologist 37:3–.
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1881. On the Cynipidous Galls of Florida [Paper No. 1]. Transactions of the American Entomological Society and proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences 9:ix–xxviii. 15 citations
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1881. On the Cynipidous Galls of Florida [Paper No. 2]. Transactions of the American Entomological Society and proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences 9:xv–xxi. 3 citations
- Ashmead, W. H. . 1906. A new Cryptine genus from Cuba. Canadian Entomologist 38:294–295.